Change general terms and conditions for domain name holders

The terms and conditions for domain name holders will be changed as of May 1, 2019 for .nl, .se and .nu domain names. Do you own one of these domain extensions? Then click on one of the links below to read or download the amended terms and conditions.

View or download the terms and conditions for .nl domain name registrations
View or download the terms and conditions and .nu domain name registrations

Summary of changes for .nl domain names:

  • Registrars work with so-called resellers. These parties were not named in the GA until now. The introduction to the new GA clearly describes the roles and responsibilities of the parties involved.
  • Art 3 paragraph 1 has been made clearer that actions by the registrar are at the expense and risk of the holder who has chosen that registrar.
  • Article 21 has been expanded. This gives us more authority to intervene if a domain name is being used illegally or criminally.
  • Art 23 clarifies the basis for processing personal data. In addition, so-called certification authorities, parties that issue SSL certificates, have been added as parties to whom SIDN provides domain name registration data.
  • Article 25 has been amended because our maximum liability has been increased.

Changes for .nu and .se domain names

  • Paragraphs 5.3 and 8 have been modified

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