The new SQR.NL API

Our new REST API is live and can be used to further automate your operations or back-end!

Possible use cases for using our API?

  • Register, move and manage domains from your own back-end
  • Manage DNS zones and make changes automatically from your own application
  • Apply for and manage SSL certificates from your own back-end

To use our API you need an API key and IP addresses must be whitelisted.
Request an API key immediately and get started!

Available functions

View all available functions in JSON or TXT format here

Customer Management:

  • create a new customer
  • view your customers
  • change your customers
  • view customer domains
  • view customer web hosting
  • view customer ssl
  • view customer contacts (e.g., for WHOIS)

Domain management:

  • domain details
  • domain TLD list
  • domain TLD information
  • domain registration
  • domain transfer
  • Change WHOIS
  • domain EPP code retrieval
  • domain availability

Domain DNS management:

  • Query DNS zone
  • Change DNS record
  • Add new DNS record
  • Delete DNS record

Web hosting management:

  • Get a list of all hosting subscriptions
  • Request details of a specific hosting subscription
  • Order a new hosting subscription
  • Terminate a hosting subscription
  • Get a list of all possible hosting services

SSL management:

  • Get a list of all SSL subscriptions
  • Order a new SSL certificate
  • Request details of a specific SSL certificate
  • Terminate an SSL certificate
  • Get a list of all possible SSL certificates

Invoice Management:

  • Get a list of all a customer’s invoices (that you have access to)
  • Request details of a specific invoice

Contact management:

  • Get all contact details
  • Change a contact
  • Delete a contact
  • Add a new contact

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