Ubuntu Desktop

Ubuntu Desktop build

Ubuntu with XFCE, or Ubuntu Desktop, is a version of the Ubuntu operating system that uses the XFCE desktop environment. XFCE is a lightweight, fast and easy-to-use desktop environment that uses fewer system resources than other environments, such as GNOME or KDE. It is ideal for systems with less memory or for people who want a fast and simple desktop experience without too many bells and whistles.

Included software

  • Ubuntu 24.04
  • xfce4
  • xrdp
  • ufw firewall
  • Firefox
You can connect remotely using your favorite RDP program. Connect to the ip address of your VPS. Username: rdp user Password: rdp user

Connecting via SSH

For certain operations, it may be convenient to connect to your VPS via SSH. You can read how to do that here: https://hosting.nl/support/hoe-maak-ik-verbinding-met-mijn-vps/

Firewall settings

To manage network access, we use UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall). We set up UFW so that only a specific IP address has access. This means that other computers cannot connect (via RDP). The firewall is configured to:
  • Block all incoming connections by default
  • Allow only connections from your IP address