Take DNS seriously

DNS is an indispensable link in the worldwide web that is today’s Internet. But unknown often makes unloved. DNS, that’s just there, isn’t it? 🤷🏽

DNS, the address book of the Internet

“The Domain Name System (DNS) is like an address book of the Internet. It links meaningful domain names to IP addresses, allowing users to easily access Web pages, computers or other resources over networks” ( 1).

No Internet without an address book

Even if this statement is not 100% accurate, I dare say that today’s Internet cannot exist without DNS. At least I don’t think many people will remember that for google.com they should be at or for bol.com they should be at Or even a tad more complicated in combination with the newer IPv6 address book; just try memorizing 2a00:1558:b033:4000::1:0 for when you need to make a quick visit to politie.nl.

The address book of your domain name

Every domain name provider manages such a DNS address book, and your domain name has been added by that provider to the DNS address book they manage. With this, they ensure that customers who type in your domain name end up at the right destination.

Your vendor thus manages a crucial part of the Internet in general and a crucial part of your online application in particular.

More and more attacks targeting DNS

That vital piece of the Internet is increasingly under attack.

Despite seeing a slight decrease in such DNS-oriented attacks last year (compared to the previous year (nbip)), we are actually seeing more of these types of attacks again in recent months.

One does not then attack a specific Web site, but instead they attack the address book: the so-called DNS nameservers. During such DNS targeted attacks, the translation of a domain name to IP address can be delayed, making your online application less accessible.

Protect your online application, take DNS seriously

Take DNS seriously and upgrade your domain name’s DNS today. You can use Premium DNS for that, for example.

With such a DNS service, you ensure that your domain name’s DNS servers are geographically dispersed allowing DNS requests to take place closer to the end user , allowing the end user to experience faster service.

And in the event of an attack on Premium DNS infrastructure, DNS requests are automatically routed to the closest available location within the Anycast DNS network.

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