Hosting.NL supports
Hosting.NL supports the following organizations
Doesgoed Foundation is a broker in Corporate Social Responsibility. It brings together businesses and social organizations in the HAL region (Heerhugowaard, Alkmaar, Langedijk), with the aim of establishing contacts and matches.
In addition to the four thematic meetings, Doesgoed organizes the Marketplace where matches are made between businesses, foundations and or associations with the goal of taking on projects for community organizations.
The NON stands for North North Holland Entrepreneurs Network. They bring together entrepreneurs from these regions in various ways to share knowledge.
You are good at your job AND you are an entrepreneur. Still, you can’t know everything. New legislation, online marketing, acquisition, human resources … At the NON, we believe that everyone ends up smarter when we share our knowledge. Is something bothering you? Maybe I know the solution. Or we just do business. Are we both better off. Smart business pays off!
With eight other Alkmaar-based IT companies, the Cyso group has joined forces to put Alkmaar on the map.
The entrepreneurs also hope to inspire many more young people to choose a technical education. The demand for qualified IT professionals is increasing and the outflow from training cannot meet it. In Alkmaar, too, this is increasingly noticeable. That is why IT=Alkmaar, in cooperation with the North Holland North Development Corporation, was set up last year.
Bits of Freedom
Bits of Freedom stands up for two fundamental rights in your digital communications that are indispensable for your freedom: privacy and freedom of communication. Those rights have been built up in the offline world over centuries because they are incredibly important for your individual freedom, for a just society and for a healthy functioning democracy.
Other organizations we support
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