our WordPress hosting compared


Website hostingvergelijker.nl has published a cool and comprehensive study comparing the speed of WordPress hosting at various Dutch hosting providers. We are still analyzing the entire survey but I want to share a preliminary result with you now.

Thanks to hostingvergelijker.nl for the very comprehensive Excel sheet!

Below is the first comparison of our own WordPress hosting with the 12 Dutch hosting providers tested by hostingvergelijker.nl. The WordPress website tested is identical to those tested by hostingcomparison.co.uk and is configured with the plugins Askimet, Yoast SEO, Contactform 7, iThemes Security, Elementor and Starter Templates. Astra Theme was used as the theme with theme Accountant.


The graph below shows the average Time to First Byte (TTFB) from multiple tests compared with the TTFB at other hosting providers. With an average TTFB of 0.047, our own WordPress hosting is on average 13% faster than the #2 🎉.

We of WC duck

In order for this not to be a “We of WC duck” test, I challenge everyone to test the speed themselves at, for example, GTMetrix, WebpageTest.org or Google Pagespeed. The website URL that can be used for this purpose is https://hostingvergelijker.kraakman.eu.

We are going to run all the tests of hostingcomparison.com in the next few days to come up with a real comparative goods study. We will incorporate those tests into this Google Sheet and then share them on this blog.

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