Safer Internet Day
This entire week focuses on safe use of the Internet. There are plenty of reports in the news about cyberattacks and hacks on accounts with disastrous consequences. As part of Safer Internet Day*, we’d like to give you some tips.
Install timely updates
By making timely updates to your CMS, you immediately ensure that the latest security is installed. If you cannot perform this yourself ask your website builder to take care of this on a regular basis. At SQR.NL, we also offer WordPress hosting where the minor updates are performed automatically for you. Handy right?
As of Feb. 19, 2019, there will be no security updates for PHP 5.6 making it wise to update your PHP version of your website to 7.0 or 7.2. You can read how to do this in our support article.
Set up Two-factor Authentication
To properly secure your login to your control panel ‘My SQR’ or your Cloud Storage environment, we added Two-factor Authentication (also known as ‘2FA’ or ‘two-stage authentication‘) last year. This ensures that you add an extra login, making sure that someone remotely cannot just log in. Want dual authentication on your accounts? You can read how to add that for “My SQR” here.
Make your website secure
Google Chrome today assumes that a website has an SSL certificate and is therefore secure. If you do not have an SSL certificate installed, it will say “not secure” at the top of the browser bar. Which can cause visitors to not want to request or leave information or worse, leave the site immediately. Even if you only have a contact form or newsletter sign-up form on your site, installing an SSL certificate is a must. We have listed the most frequently asked questions about SSL certificates.
Store data securely in the cloud
Many companies are looking for a way to securely store their files in the cloud. SQR Drive is the cloud solution that is affordable and AVG proof. You can create several users with their own permissions. These permissions allow you to control who can access which files. With the accompanying app, you can access and share your files from your smartphone anytime, anywhere. The data is stored on Dutch ISO and NEN certified servers so its use is also subject to Dutch laws and regulations.
Interested in SQR Drive? Read our blog about the benefits of our cloud service or inquire by email, chat or phone with one of our support staff.
Change your passwords regularly
It is advisable to change your passwords several times a year. Since you have to log into several environments that all have their own requirements for login names and passwords, this can be quite a challenge. Many smartphones and desktops can store passwords in a sort of password vault for you. There are also free apps like Last Pass where you can safely store this data. Then you only need to remember one login name and password. With the Last Pass plugin for Google Chrome, for example, logging in and out is now a lot more user-friendly.
Prevent spam
When you purchase web hosting or e-mail hosting from SQR.NL, you already enjoy the service of our antispam and antivirus software. Do you still have your mail stored somewhere else and have to clean out your mailbox every time because of unwanted messages coming in? Then take a look at our page with information about our antispam and antivirus service.
With this, I hope to have made you a little more aware of the security you can do yourself and what tools SQR.NL has for you. At the end of the day, we all want to have a secure online environment. If you have any questions or could use advice, you can reach us during business hours via email, chat, Whatsapp or by phone.