Zimbra 9 benefits Zimbra 9 will be available to all our customers from the end of September. Order your Zimbra workgroup now and be the first to enjoy the benefits of Zimbra 9 in September. Modern and responsive UI Desktop, mobile and tablet seamlessly flow together with a consistent email...

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PHP is one of the most popular scripting languages and designed to create dynamic Web pages on Web servers. PHP ensures that your website is displayed properly to your visitors. Outdated versions of PHP pose risks and at some point are no longer supported. This also currently applies to PHP...

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It is important to keep your website’s CMS and installed plugins up-to-date for proper functionality. Hackers are constantly looking for a way to find a leak/vulnerability in systems, then exploit data or use server space to send data. About the best security for your WordPress website, we wrote an article...

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In our blog on Maximum Website Loading Speed, we already tell you how to optimize your website. But how do you know if your website is loading fast or not? The first step to improving the speed of your website is to test the pages of your website. You need...

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When you are on the Internet looking for information, you want it on your screen quickly. Nothing is more annoying than waiting a long time for pages to load and images to appear on them. People expect quite a lot from today’s websites, such as a clear (menu) structure, responsive...

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Als je als webbouwer of programmeur met een CMS als WordPress werkt, is beveiliging een belangrijk punt van aandacht. Because WordPress is so user-friendly, it is widely used for creating sites. There is an immediate danger in this: the large scale makes it interesting to hackers. Every week, Google blacklists...

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