In our blog on Maximum Website Loading Speed, we already tell you how to optimize your website. But how do you know if your website is loading fast or not? The first step to improving the speed of your website is to test the pages of your website. You need...

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When you are on the Internet looking for information, you want it on your screen quickly. Nothing is more annoying than waiting a long time for pages to load and images to appear on them. People expect quite a lot from today’s websites, such as a clear (menu) structure, responsive...

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That’s the first question you probably ask as soon as you want to create a Web site. Many websites are managed through a Content Management System (CMS). There are several CMSs, open source or not, that you can choose from to build your own website. What are the differences between...

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Optimal scoring of your website in search engines like Google depends -in addition to proper text writing- also on the attention paid to the images on the website. Whereas SEO factors are often the responsibility of (technical) developers or marketers (linking with social media channels), in this case you are...

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Als je als webbouwer of programmeur met een CMS als WordPress werkt, is beveiliging een belangrijk punt van aandacht. Because WordPress is so user-friendly, it is widely used for creating sites. There is an immediate danger in this: the large scale makes it interesting to hackers. Every week, Google blacklists...

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Een hot topic momenteel: het beveiligen van je website met HTTPS, oftewel het koppelen van een SSL certificaat. Based on the security needed for your site, you can choose from the range of certificates available. The European privacy law AVG/GDPR requires websites and Web shops with contact forms or newsletter...

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The “little green lock” in your browser bar is a familiar sight by now, especially if you make online purchases. A sign that an SSL certificate has been installed. It means the site is secure, but what does the lock do to protect you? To understand this, it is important...

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Addressing Meltdown and Spectre vulnerabilities Alkmaar – January 4 We are currently conducting an inventory and impact assessment of the Meltdown and Spectre vulnerabilities for the various (cloud) environments where we are working through CYSO make use of. For the techies, the following background article from ‘Tweakers’ is very interesting:...

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For any organization, the challenge is to convert new visitors into actual customers. For example, my colleague recently wrote an article about the relationship between fast hosting and higher conversion. Besides fast hosting, there are, of course, plenty of other ways to keep visitors happy and turn them into customers....

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As of March 23, 2017, SQR.NL holds ISO 20000 and ISO 27001 certifications. By obtaining these certifications, SQR.NL gives its customers assurance around the continuity and quality of its services. Download the certifications on this page. As an organization, we are proud of achieving the new certifications for SQR.NL. In...

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An important aspect for any organization is getting attention for your products, services and promotions. This applies to a physical store, and certainly to an online store as well. A store in the street scene has a display window, signboard or other ways to attract the attention of passersby. On...

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In October 2015, Google announced the introduction of RankBrain. In doing so, they also revealed that it will rank third as a ranking factor for search results. It has now been in use for some time and its effect is becoming more and more noticeable. What are the implications for...

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As of early this week, all SQR.NL web hosting packages are configured with PHP 7 by default instead of PHP 5.6. Although we planned to do this right away when we officially launched the SQR.NL services, not enough testing had been done to be sure it would work perfectly. So...

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To make it as easy as possible for you to get started with your SQR.NL web hosting package right away, we’ve enhanced the functionality of My SQR expanded. As of today, it is possible to install several open source software packages directly through the control panel. This functionality is enabled...

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Already have a .shop domain name for your webshop? Still need some convincing? Here’s some proof that the .shop domain name works. At SQR.NL (and the entire Cyso Group), we work in Scrum teams for various projects. Now suppose we wanted to order a nice, new scrum board, what do...

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In recent years, several incidents have been in the news in which the websites of family doctors and pharmacies, municipalities and other government agencies, among others, were found to be unsafe. As a result, sensitive personal data could end up on the street just like that, without the data subject...

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Many people think they are protecting their domain name if they have registered it. Unfortunately, this is not necessarily true. In this article, we explain what you can best do to protect your domain name. Protecting a domain name Protecting your domain name is very important, because if you don’t,...

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Back in January 2015, Cyso, the inventor of managed hosting, acquired AGN Business Hosting from AGN Business Internet. We continued under the name AGN Business Hosting for two years, but since we did find that this caused some confusion with the also still existing AGN Business Hosting, we opted for...

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It is no unknown fact that the speed of an online shop is incredibly important for boosting conversion rates. Traditional retail has struggled incredibly to keep up since the rise of e-commerce. Lower prices, a larger assortment but most importantly, the speed of the entire shopping experience. How fast is...

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