How do I create the perfect landing page for my website?

For any organization, the challenge is to convert new visitors into actual customers. For example, my colleague recently wrote an article about the relationship between fast hosting and higher conversion. Besides fast hosting, there are, of course, plenty of other ways to keep visitors happy and turn them into customers. In this article, I will discuss a very effective tool where you can encourage visitors to at least leave his/her details so that you can re-engage them at a later time.

They don’t know your company yet and need to be convinced that your products or services are worthwhile. A powerful tool for this is landing pages as an entry point to your website. A good landing page is critical and makes the difference between a visitor immediately leaving your site again or lingering to see what you have to offer.

A landing page is an effective tool you can use to encourage visitors to leave data so you can contact them at a later time

In this article, we will discuss what a landing page is, provide some best practices and mention several points of interest you should pay attention to so that you too can set up an effective landing page in no time.

What is a landing page?

A landing page is a page on your website whose sole purpose is to get the visitor to take immediate action and leave their information or purchase something. A landing page is a marketing tool to force an action or result. It’s called a landing page because visitors land on it directly through an external source (such as an advertisement or social media post). A landing page aims to eventually turn a visitor unfamiliar with your business into a paying customer.

A good landing page has a unified, short message, without all sorts of elements that distract from it. At a minimum, the action the visitor must take results in you receiving his or her information (for example, an e-mail address). Landing pages are there to maximize conversion for your business.

But how do you create that landing page?

Provide an interesting offer on your landing page

In just about everything you try to do online and whatever site you visit; everyone wants to have your e-mail address to then use it to advertise their business or products. People are therefore more reluctant than ever to leave their addresses. So they’re not going to just do that with your landing page either.

The only way to get that done is when they want what you offer. So you must have a product, service or offer that they really can’t refuse. It must meet a need or solve a problem that they cannot solve themselves, without your help. When they leave their data, they should be able to benefit immediately from having done so.

Essential elements for your landing page

Once you have figured out what offer you want to convince your visitors with, you need to start defining some elements to build your page around:

  1. Write a headline that grabs attention

  2. The headline or tagline of your page is the first thing the visitor sees. So that one must count. There are many things to say about how to write good headlines, but all of them should answer the following question, “What does it get me?” Make sure you attract attention and arouse curiosity in such a way that the visitor wants to look at the rest of the page as well. If you’re unsure about the right headline, it’s relatively easy to use A/B testing to see what works best.

  3. Provide a clear CTA

  4. Your call to action (CTA) is at least as important as your headline. The call to action is what should persuade your visitor to take action and leave their details. A call to action can be anything: purchasing a product, subscribing to a list, requesting a white paper or signing up for a training or workshop. Call to actions are actually explicit instructions to the visitor on what to do. They must therefore be clear. A call to action is usually triggered by a button on the page, so make sure it stands out and invites action.

  5. Use powerful visual support

  6. Good, relevant visual support for your product is good for engaging the visitor. Images, videos or slideshows are all media that can support your headline and, often better than text, are able to convey a message or feeling. In particular, adding video to your landing page is a method that has been proven to increase conversions. Video better connects visitors by allowing them to hear a voice, see a face or recognize body language.

  7. Win trust by providing evidence

  8. If you can demonstrate that your service or product is of good quality and you can fall back on satisfied users, it inspires confidence. This is true by citing previous customers, but also by displaying logos, warranties and certifications. As a salesperson, you can shout all you want, but satisfied customers create actual trust.

  9. Ensure maximum impact through a clear layout

  10. Landing pages generally look different from other pages on the website. Because you want the message to be simple, as few elements as possible should distract from that message. Remove menus, other navigation and irrelevant visual distractions. Make sure your headline and other crucial elements can be seen without the visitor having to scroll. Keep it short and to the point and address people in the second person.

A few more points of interest

If you have the above things taken care of, your landing page is almost there if all goes well. But you can still make mistakes. Below are a few points to consider when creating your landing page:

  • Give the visitor only one choice of action (your CTA).
  • All text and elements should be in support of that action.
  • Tell not about your company, but about how you can help the visitor.
  • Do not use more than one column.
  • Make sure ads or banners directly connect and match your landing page itself.
  • Make your visual support unique; don’t use generic images.
  • Create inviting, engaging buttons, not “send” or “submit.
  • Create urgency; the visitor should take action now, not tomorrow or next week.
  • Test and adjust; use A/B testing to test your results.


Creating a good landing page is not particularly difficult, but it does require some thought and planning. Try to validate the next landing page you create with the tips we gave you above and keep making continuous adjustments to achieve the desired results. Good luck!

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