There are companies who call you -sometimes threateningly- saying that someone wants to register your company name as url with a .eu, .com or other extension. They often offer to buy your domain name and transfer it to you. This is often done at excessive rates. Our advice is never...

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In this article I explain what a CAPTCHA is, how it helps prevent spam or abuse of your web form, what variants there are, how to install a CAPTCHA and whether there are other options to protect your forms. Are you experiencing spam through any of your web forms? With...

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SQR.NL offers its partners the opportunity to write a guest blog about their services. The story is the partner’s own and gives an inside look at what they are doing or what they can offer. Terence Punt of Specialist in Websites kicks off with a story on competitive analysis. Conduct...

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This entire week focuses on safe use of the Internet. There are plenty of reports in the news about cyberattacks and hacks on accounts with disastrous consequences. As part of Safer Internet Day*, we’d like to give you some tips. Install timely updates By making timely updates to your CMS,...

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The customer is at the heart of SQR.NL. When we receive questions or requests about simplifying our products or services, we immediately look at whether such a change can be implemented. Sometimes this can be done fairly quickly and other times it takes a little more development time. All invoices...

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What is the meaning of web hosting? That’s probably the question you have, and we’re going to answer it for you. Web hosting, simply put, is renting a piece of storage on and computing power (CPU/processor) of a server. Files are placed on this server that make up a website....

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The supply of web hosting parties is ever increasing. This does not make it easier for you, the end user, to choose the right web hosting party. But what should you pay attention to when comparing web hosting? In this article, I’ll give you concrete tools you can use in...

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Magento and WooCommerce are both open-source packages that help develop an online store. Despite the fact that both platforms allow consumers to order their products online, numerous differences can also be found between the packages. So what is the best choice for your shop? Webshop features In a web shop,...

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Starting your own business You want to start as an entrepreneur, you have a good plan, great product or see a unique opportunity. Where do you start? Maybe you’ve already come up with a brilliant name or maybe you’re going to market with your own. Then check first to see...

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After building your (‘WordPress’) website or web shop, you naturally want to see how many visitors you get, where those visitors come from and what pages they visit. You can do that with Google Analytics. Through Google Analytics, you can easily view the statistics of your website. This is a...

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Google Analytics and Google Maps How do you make sure your website is found well? The answer to this is Google. But you can do much more with Google as an entrepreneur. Take advantage of practical and inexpensive (or even free!) IT opportunities. Virtually every Internet user searches through Google....

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A well-built website or web shop is a must to rank nicely in search engines. For this, a good CMS like WordPress , Joomla! , Magento 2 or ‘Drupal ‘ is essential. You can read more about this in our article on the right choice of CMS . Other things...

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Yoast is a search optimization tool developed by a Dutch company. It is currently considered the most comprehensive search engine optimization software available to WordPress users and others, with its developers responsible for more than 10% of WordPress releases. Yoast is appreciated for its extensive applications in SEO as a...

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In our blog on Maximum Website Loading Speed, we already tell you how to optimize your website. But how do you know if your website is loading fast or not? The first step to improving the speed of your website is to test the pages of your website. You need...

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When you are on the Internet looking for information, you want it on your screen quickly. Nothing is more annoying than waiting a long time for pages to load and images to appear on them. People expect quite a lot from today’s websites, such as a clear (menu) structure, responsive...

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For any organization, the challenge is to convert new visitors into actual customers. For example, my colleague recently wrote an article about the relationship between fast hosting and higher conversion. Besides fast hosting, there are, of course, plenty of other ways to keep visitors happy and turn them into customers....

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An important aspect for any organization is getting attention for your products, services and promotions. This applies to a physical store, and certainly to an online store as well. A store in the street scene has a display window, signboard or other ways to attract the attention of passersby. On...

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