Activate BIMI (short version!)

In this article, short technical steps explain how to activate BIMI for a domain name. Are you looking for more comprehensive information? In two comprehensive blog articles, we explain what BIMI is and how to activate BIMI for your organization.

How to activate BIMI on your domain name

  1. Make sure your domain name is DMARC aligned with a reject policy or a quarantine policy with a percentage of 100%.
  2. Upload your logo in SVG P/S format and note the URL. The logo must meet these requirements.
  3. Add a BIMI TXT record for subdomain default._bimi:

After 48 to 72 hours, the logo will be displayed in e-mail programs that support BIMI.

Optional: Some vendors, such as Gmail, require a so-called Verified Mark Certificate before displaying the logo. Read step three of our comprehensive article to get started with such a certificate.

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