How do I manage an MX record?

With an MX record, or Mail Exchange record, you manage your e-mail. You use this to specify where the MX record should point. By default at Hosting.NL, this is set to SpamExperts, where we filter your mail. You can check the mailboxes in
My Hosting
Manage. If you want to use your own mail service, you can set it up by changing the set MX records.

  1. Log in op Mijn Hosting
  2. Now click on directly in the Dashboard on ‘Domain Names’
    Or in the top menu on ‘Domain Names’ -> ‘My Domain Names’
  3. In the overview, click on the three horizontal dots behind the domain name you want to edit and on ‘DNS Management’
  4. You now enter the DNS settings overview where you see all DNS records and you can change or delete the records. Below is a brief explanation:
    Here you will find all the default set records and you can add, change or delete the MX record. The mail provider can specify which record(s) these are.

the record with the ‘Orange box with the pencil’.

Save the change
save the change with the ‘Green box with the check mark’

the MX record you do not want to use

to add a new record

Enter the record data as follows:

  • Name: this is your domain name and is entered by default. So you can leave this field blank.
  • Type: this is the record type or protocol
  • Content: here you enter the purpose of the record. For an MX record, this is the name of a mail server:
  • Priority: enter the priority of the record. You must enter this only for an MX record. The lower the number the higher the priority
  • TTL: enter the time in which the change should be indexed. The lower the TTL the faster the change is made

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